It also helps in the absorption of digested fat like fatly acids and glycerol in the villi. Mold Spore Trapping Current Scientific Knowledge People are exposed to aeroallergens in a variety of settings, digestive system essay, both at home and at work. Patient medical history is not digestive system essay. In this part of small Intestine the digestion of all the three types of foods are completed. The physiological processes which are required for the digestive system are absorption, digestion, motility, secretion and excretion Margaret E. This ductless gland secretes two hormones which are directly poured into the blood.
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We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essay Examples on Digestive System, digestive system essay. Essay examples. Organs of Digestive System words 3 Pages. Mouth The mouth chews the food using the teeth to tear, chew and grind the food. The tongue has skeletal muscles involuntary muscles that move the food around the mouth for efficient mechanical digestion. Salivary glands beneath and in the back of the tongue secrete Digestive System Human Anatomy. The digestive system is categories into two separate groups, these groups are called the alimentary canal, and the accessory digestive organs. The major processes of the alimentary canal include, digestive system essay, ingesting which is consuming any type of substance our body is able to swallow, digesting the Digestive System.
The Digestive System When you enter the body through the brain, you come digestive system essay the first component of the digestive system—the hypothalamus—a section of the brain the size of an almond. The hypothalamus controls the temperature of the body, hunger, thirst, fatigue, and circadian cycles—A In America, a balanced dinner typically includes ordering pizza from your local pizza shop, chips that have been on the store shelf for too long, a carbonated drink, and lastly, a wonderful chocolate dessert such as brownies or chocolate chips. Although this may taste very This is where food is broken down by the teeth into smaller pieces.
Oesophagus — The oesophagus, which can be referred to as Definition of Digestive System We can say that the digestive system is a process which involves a number of organs that helps us to digest our food and absorb the nutrition from it. It starts from our mouth and it ends at the anus. The digestive system breaks down food by mechanical and chemical process. The digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract is the pathway from the mouth to the anus. This is where nutrients and energy from food and fluids are reabsorbed, Digestive System Immune System Metabolism.
Enzymes are biological molecules that are responsible for several metabolic processes that break down certain chemicals in the body. They help to convert the reactant into the product by speeding up the reaction. After the breakdown of food, the enzymes in the body will convert Digestive System Enzyme. Through the process of natural selection, the life on our planet evolved. Natural selection dictated that in order for us, as living organisms, digestive system essay, to survive, we had to adapt and coexist. In many cases, Digestive System Natural Environment Respiratory System.
The digestive system includes mouth, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, appendix esophagus, stomach, pancreas, digestive system essay, large intestine and small intestine. The mouth starts the digestive system by the mouth breaking up food. The throat swallows the food. The salivary glands keep the mouth and digestive system moist Digestive System Eating Disorders. Heartburn distress might be erroneously recognized as an indicator of a heart related health issues or the indication of a cardiac arrest. Seek immediate treatment if you suffer abrupt, intense chest discomfort, or pain is accompanied by perspiration, light-headedness, and queasiness.
Heartburn, commonly recognized as One of the most important systems in the human body is the digestive system. This system helps get nutrition from the food that we ingest. Digestive System Research. Inflammatory bowel disease IBD is a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The prevalence of CD and UC is the highest in Europe with and perpersons respectively Both conditions can impair the digestive process and lead to damage of the gastrointestinal system. Without stomach acid, your Acid Reflux disease, also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach backs up, digestive system essay, or refluxes, into the esophagus.
This liquid usually contains pepsin, which is an enzyme that begins the digestion of protein in the digestive system essay, High concentrations of heavy metals digestive system essay copper and gold are found digestive system essay be toxic for most of the organisms. But scientists have discovered a modern alchemist that can extract valuable trace elements from a compound of toxic metals without poisoning itself. One of the interesting Bacteria Digestive System. The digestive system is a group of organs that work together to convert food into energy that the cells in the body can use. The digestion starts off in the mouth digestive system essay you chew your food and the teeth breaks it down into smaller pieces It is also approved for the treatment of other autoimmune diseases such as Psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and others.
It is marketed under the trade name of remicade. Introduction Recent digestive system essay have allowed us to come to the conclusion that we are super organisms in which microbial symbionts play essential physiological functions. The human microbiome has emerged as the crucial moderator in interactions between food and our body and can change our mind Bacteria Digestive System Metabolism. Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Childhood Obesity Essays Depression Essays Diabetes Essays Healthy Food Essays Junk Food Essays Obesity Essays Stress Essays Adhd Essays Covid 19 Essays Nutrition Essays.
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They are usually smaller and delicate. These are thirty two in number sixteen in the upper and sixteen in the lower jaw. They appear gradually and push out all the temporary teeth. By the age of 14th, twenty eight permanent teeth are erupting. The last four teeth called as wisdom teeth appear after a person is twenty one years of age. The tongue is a muscular organ which is present on the floor of the oral cavity. The anterior part of the tongue is small which can move easily into the inner part of the mouth. The taste buds present on the tongue detect the nature of the food. Sweet taste can be felt by the taste buds present in the anterior tip of the tongue and salty taste at a small area behind this tip.
Buds at the posterior part of the tongue feel bitter taste and sour taste can be easily known by the taste buds situated in the middle and side area of the tongue. A pair of perotid gland is situated in the cheeks, in front of each ear inside the mouth cavity. They are the largest of the salivary glands. This is also known as Sub-maxillary gland. A pair of submandibular gland is situated on each side beneath the jaw bone. They are the next largest glands, and are about the size of a walnut. It is the smallest pair of salivary glands. It is present below the tongue. The secretion of these glands is carried through the Duct of Rivinus into the mouth cavity. The salivary glands secrete about to ml of saliva perday. Saliva is a watery alkaline fluid. A starch splitting enzyme known as ptyalin and a bacteriolytic enzyme called as lysozyme are present in saliva.
The enzyme ptyalin present in saliva acts on starchy food and converts them to dextrin and maltose. Salivary juice has antiseptic property. As the food enters into the mouth, even the smell, the sight or the thought of food, the salivary glands are stimulated and saliva is secreted. This is poured into the mouth. The teeth chew the food and breaks into small pieces while the tongue thoroughly mixes the saliva with the food. The enzyme ptyalin in the saliva acts on starch and converts it first to dextrins and finally to maltose. Therefore, it is important to chew the food well to get the starch changed into maltose. When some cooked rice or a piece of bread is chewed well in mouth, it becomes slightly sweet in taste, because the starch present in them has been changed into sugar.
Then the chewed food is gathered into a ball or bolus and set down the pharynx into the gullet or food pipe. The wind pipe passage for the air is situated in front of the gullet. The food is prevented from going into the wind pipe by a lid like organ called as epiglottis. It is a cartilaginous muscular flap which prevents the entry of food into the windpipe during swallowing and the food enters into the food pipe or gullet. If a particle of solid food or water enters into the wind pipe, it is expelled by violent coughing. It is a collapsible muscular tube of 9 to 10 inches in length, which extends from pharynx to the cardiac orifice of the stomach. It passes downwards through the neck, the thorax and the abdominal cavity. The food passes through the oesophagus by peristaltic action.
It passes down the food pipe by the action of its muscular wall which contract above it and push it along. Food does not simply fall down the gullet, but each part of the gullet contracts after the part next above and so squeezes the food along till it passes through the opening and enters the stomach. The stomach is a dilated part of the alimentary canal. It is a bag like expansion of the food pipe with its broad end to the left and narrow end to the right. It is situated between the oesophagus and the beginning of the small intestine.
It lies close to the diaphragm and slightly towards the left of the abdominal cavity. The size of the stomach varies according to the age and sex. The stomach consists of an upper part, the fundus. The main part of the stomach is called the Body and this narrows at its lower end to become the Pyloric Antrum. In the mucous membrane there are a large number of minute blind tubes which are called as gastric glands. These are tiny holes which form the mouth of these gastric glands. When the food enters the stomach, the blood vessels dilate and bring extra blood to the stomach. Then the gastric glands secrete gastric juice.
The gastric juice is poured into the cavity of the stomach and mixed with the food. Besides the gastric glands, the walls of the stomach also contain other glands like pyloric glands, cardiac glands, and mucous secreting cells which secrete mucous, pepsinogen, hormone gastrin etc. Gastric juice is a colourless, acid liquid containing water, minimum quantity of salt, 0. The stimulation of the secretion of gastric juice is partly nervous and partly chemical. After the food enters the stomach for some fifteen to twenty minutes, the action of saliva continues that is conversion of starchy food to maltose. The gastric juice by that time is secreted in sufficient amount and mixed with the food completely. When the food of the stomach becomes acidic by hydrochloric acid, the action of ptyalin of saliva stops, because it can act only upon alkaline medium.
Then the action of the digestive enzymes present in gastric juice start, as they become active on acidic medium. The enzyme pepsin in the presence of hydrochloric acid acts upon protein food and the casein, and converts them into more soluble substances called peptone. Hydrochloric acid acidifies all foods. Stomach also secretes a protein compound called intrinsic factor which is necessary to facilitate the absorption of vitamin from alimentary canal. Besides digestion, the important functions of stomach are to protect the small intestine from injury especially very hot and very cold foods, chemical irritants, chilies, alcohol etc. The gastric juice has no action upon the carbohydrate food. The time taken for the gastric digestion is about three to four hours.
Some of the sugar and peptone is absorbed into the blood vessels of the stomach. The small intestine is a coiled tube extending from the pylorus of the stomach and leads into the large intestine. It is approximately 5 to 6 meters feet long tube. It lies in the umbilical region of the abdomen and is surrounded by the large intestine. There are four coats of small intestine like the stomach. Small-intestine is consisting of three parts which are continuous with each other. The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine. The shape is like a horse-shoe. Inside the curve, the head of the pancreas is encircled. It is fixed to the posterior abdominal wall by peritoneum. The bile duct from the liver and the pancreatic duct from the pancreas unite to open together into the lower portion and from the back side of the duodenum.
The bile duct brings bile juice and the pancreatic duct, pancreatic juice. These two fluids mix with the chyme and carry on the process of digestion a stage further. The pancreatic juice is an alkaline colourless liquid. It acts upon alkaline medium. It contains three enzymes. Amylopsin acts upon uncooked as well as cooked carbohydrate foods and converts them into disaccharides. Trypsin is produced by the enzyme trypsinogen. It acts upon undigested protein foods and peptones and converts them into polypeptides. Lipase acts upon fatty food and converts them into fatty acid and glycerol. The fat splitting action of lipase is greatly facilitated by the presence of bile juice. Fat digestion is completed by lipase in the duodenum. Bile juice is carried by the bile duct from the liver.
Though it has no direct action on digestion of food, but it aids the pancreatic juice in its action for digestion of fat. Bile juice helps in splitting the fat into small particles and thus helps the action of lipase for its digestion. As bile juice is alkaline, it helps to convert the acidic food of the stomach to alkaline medium in duodenum, so that the enzymes of the pancreatic juice can easily act upon all types of foods. It constitutes the upper two fifth of the remaining small intestine. It is the middle portion of the small intestine. Intestinal juice is secreted from simple tubular glands which are situated in the mucous membrane layer of the small intestine. The digestive process is completed by the work of intestinal juice secreted form the intestinal glands.
It completes the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins. About ml of intestinal juice is secreted per day. This is also known as Saccus Entericus. The enzymes present in this ferment act upon alkaline medium. This enzyme splits lactose into glucose and galactose. This galactose is again converted into glucose in the liver at time of necessity. This enzyme activates the proteolytic enzyme of pancreatic juice. It activates trypsinogen to trypsin which helps in the digestion of protein foods. The enzyme completes the digestion of protein foods. It converts peptone polypetide and other undigested protein foods into amino acids. In this part of small Intestine the digestion of all the three types of foods are completed. Carbohydrate foods are simplified into glucose, protein into amino acids and fat into fatty acids and glycerol.
When the process of digestion is completed, they are carried to the last part of the small intestine i. The digested food reaches this place in about four hours. Ileum constitutes the last three fifth of small intestine. It is relatively thinner than jejunum. From this place the absorption of simplified and digested food starts. By the action of various digestive juices, saliva, gastric, juice, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice, different food materials are simplified and ready for absorption. Proteins have been broken down to peptone by gastric juice, polypeptide by pancreatic juice and finally to Amino acids by intestinal juice. Carbohydrates have been converted into maltose by salivary juice, other disaccharides by pancreatic juice and lastly mono-saccharides of glucose or simple sugar by Intestinal juice.
Fat is simplified into fatly acids and glycerol by the action of gastric lipase and pancreatic lipase. Absorption of digested food take place in the epithelial surface of the villi in the Ilium part of small intestine. The mucous membrane of the small intestine is line by a number of projections like substances known as villi. These help in absorption by increasing the surface area. A villus contains a lacteal, blood vessels, epithelium and muscular tissue, which are connected together by lymphoid tissue. Carbohydrates in the form of glucose are directly picked up by the blood vessels from the villi. Proteins are absorbed by the blood vessels from the villi in the form of amino acids.
Fats, in the form of fatly acids and glycerol are absorbed into the lacteals. Small amount of emulsified fats from water soluble compounds with bile, that are readily absorbed. Fat soluble vitamins get absorbed along with fats. Mineral salts and small amount of water pass into the blood vessels along with sugar and amino acids. Amino acids, glucose and fatly acid are passed from the small intestine to the liver for oxidation and metabolic process. The excess amount of glucose is converted to glycogen and is stored in the liver for future use. After absorption, intestinal contents are slowly propelled along the Alimentary canal. The onward movement of the food is affected by means of waves of contraction of the intestines called peristalsis.
The large intestine or colon is about meters or 5 feet long. It is wider than small intestine. Most of the digested food having been absorbed in small intestine, a semifluid mass is left to pass into large intestine. The large intestine absorbs the substances which are not absorbed in small intestine as well as a large amount of water. The contents of the large intestine thus become firmer. The materials ultimately thrown out are called faeces which consist of undigested and un-absorbable portions of food. These faeces are decomposed and putrefied by a type of bacteria Bacillus coli and give rise to bad odour, which are passed out through the Anus. Digestive System Enzyme. Through the process of natural selection, the life on our planet evolved. Natural selection dictated that in order for us, as living organisms, to survive, we had to adapt and coexist.
In many cases, Digestive System Natural Environment Respiratory System. The digestive system includes mouth, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, appendix esophagus, stomach, pancreas, large intestine and small intestine. The mouth starts the digestive system by the mouth breaking up food. The throat swallows the food. The salivary glands keep the mouth and digestive system moist Digestive System Eating Disorders. Heartburn distress might be erroneously recognized as an indicator of a heart related health issues or the indication of a cardiac arrest. Seek immediate treatment if you suffer abrupt, intense chest discomfort, or pain is accompanied by perspiration, light-headedness, and queasiness. Heartburn, commonly recognized as One of the most important systems in the human body is the digestive system.
This system helps get nutrition from the food that we ingest. Digestive System Research. Inflammatory bowel disease IBD is a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The prevalence of CD and UC is the highest in Europe with and per , persons respectively Both conditions can impair the digestive process and lead to damage of the gastrointestinal system. Without stomach acid, your Acid Reflux disease, also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach backs up, or refluxes, into the esophagus. This liquid usually contains pepsin, which is an enzyme that begins the digestion of protein in the stomach, High concentrations of heavy metals like copper and gold are found to be toxic for most of the organisms. food remains in the small intestine for several hours.
Two lasrge galnds are the liver and the pancreas, which connect with the small intestine by ducts or tubes. Fluid from the ancreas is called pancreatic juice. fluid from the liver is called bile. bile is stored in the gallblader helps digest carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Inside the small intestine, there's a lot of fingerlike folds c Continue reading this essay Continue reading. Toggle navigation MegaEssays. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper.
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