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Leisure time essay

Leisure time essay

Oct 14, thanks by: Azerbaijani excellent essay thanks. Dayboro: Emereo Pub, Aug 07, leisure time essay, Good essay satisfied by: Shamalkhan Good essay i am really satisfied. Many times it is difficult for employees to balance their obligations of work, yet still maintain a fulfilling life outside of the workplace. New York, NY: Harper Audio.

Best Use of Leisure Time

Leisure Time Essay — Introduction: Leisure is that sweetest of moments when a man has nothing specific to do. When he is his own master and can dispose of his spare time at his own suit will. Meaning of leisure: Leisure does not refer to idleness or laziness but it refers to relief or relaxes for a short period from the monotony of daily routine. It is not a non-activity but it implies an activity which is meaningful, potential and enjoyable: It is for its leisure time essay sake as it is a period of personal leisure time essay and pleasure. It is, so to speak, freedom of monotony, boredom, and drudgery of life. The present time is a time of automation, better standard of living and longevity has further broadened and liberalized the real conception of leisure.

The strange and wonderful invention of science and technology has also reduced the hour of working and consequently man has now found a lot of time to enjoy leisure at his suit will. In fact, very few people are aware of making the proper utilization of leisure. Different people spend it in different ways, They have no proper sense or idea of it due to their ignorance, whim or uncared habit. To many others, leisure is a time to make creative and aesthetic pursuit and inner fulfillment. The craze and popularity of TV is increasing day by day, leisure time essay. A great part of their time is spent not in manly thing but in viewing programs in the idle box. Such a craze and popularity of T. has created many socials, psychological, physical, family, leisure time essay, individual and mental problems.

Source of enjoyment: Most men, therefore, find a life leisure time essay business. This is the tragedy of life, work and worry— both are equally unavoidable yet both are equally tiresome. The continuity of this chain has to be broken now and then to enable man to recover his freshness, to take mind off on a holiday. Leisure breaks upon the monotony of existence with a touch of variety. This is, therefore, always a source of joy whenever it comes. Life on earth is not an easy affair these days. The mere task of keeping the body and soul together strains resources to the utmost limit. To live well one has to be incessantly toiling, just to earn the extra bit of money.

Hence the problem of having a workfree period is difficult to solve. The best way to do it is to have a socialistic society where work is a rationed leisure time essay term of social needs. In absence of work, no leisure can truly be conceived. Leisure is a kind of diversion which pre-supposes work and labor. Rest is much sweeter than honey leisure time essay money after exertion and exhaustion. Totem Our life: Our life is now more free and leisurely than our forefathers. Now people have found out to spend their leisure time.

There are interesting serials, spicy films scientific music, dances, shows, plays various types of information weather forecasts, different types of interviews, analysis of events, happenings and Incidents and many other things at twenty-four hours of the day. There are many leisure time essay of channels to choose from. Necessity: Man is under the necessity of leisure. After a tiresome work a period of leisure makes a man fresh, energetic, and stimulates him to finish the unfinished work, leisure time essay. One can spend leisure i n taking snacks at a restaurant, tea, cofee and other edible things At leisure one can engage oneself in meditation and religious practice, leisure time essay.

The great men all over the world in the past and even at present spent and now spend their respective leisures in meditation in pursuit of knowledge, constructive ideas, benevolence for the well-being of mankind. The happiest man is, of course, he whose work is leisure, leisure time essay finds a perpetual joy in the work he has leisure time essay perform. To such a man work is never a soul killing drudgery. Conclusion: Man cannot continue to work for all day long, He needs rest, race and leisure, leisure time essay, for regaining energy, stimulation, and concentration for the next works. This is my personal Blog.

I love to play with Web. Blogging, Web design, Learning, traveling and helping others are my passion. This blog is the place where I write anything whatever comes to my mind. You can call it My Personal Diary. This blog is the partner of My Endless Journey. Comment Policy: Your words are your own, so be nice and helpful if you can. Please, leisure time essay, only use your real name and limit the number of links submitted in your comment. We accept clean XHTML in comments, but leisure time essay overdo it, leisure time essay, please. Let's have a personal and meaningful discussion. Your email address will not be published.

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Walking along the shores of the beach calms my inner chaos. Occasionally, I collect seashells on the beach and bring them to my siblings. Most of these outdoor activities highly depend on how favorable the weather is. I also make the effort to make calls to friends I am unable to physically visit and check in on. Sometimes, the walks alone can take up my whole afternoon. Other times, I like listening to the music albums of my favorite artists as I stroll along the beach. When the weather is hot, I like swimming on the beach or joining my friends to go fishing in deeper waters.

Recently, I tried scuba diving and I liked the experience. I hope that I get to try it again soon. The breathtaking view of the reef is amazing. Sometimes, the weather confines me indoors, but that does not mean I cannot have a good leisure break. If I am having my leisure getaway indoors, I like trying out new recipes and different cuisines from all over the world. Being busy in the kitchen trying out new dishes is enjoyable, to say the least. Alternatively, I like reading non-fiction books, particularly those that talk about historical events, while relaxing on the couch.

I like doing this with soft jazz playing in the background as I peruse through the pages. At times, I also go to the cinemas and theaters and catch up on the latest movies and plays with friends. There are times when I just want to stay at home and catch up on my go-to shows. I like playing dance games competitively with my brother especially when he is in town. Although he is a better dancer than I am, we both enjoy the dance and have fun together. I also travel to Africa annually and go on safaris or hike in the mountains. The experience is always great — from socializing with people of different cultures to watching animal wildlife in their natural habitat. The days I spend in Africa leave indelible memories in my mind and encourage me to save up to return and experience more.

The activities I mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg. I really like making the most out of my leisure breaks. All these experiences and memories push me to invest in rest. It could simply be a matter of engaging in your hobbies, spending time with loved ones, soaking in nature, or even reading books. As long as it makes you feel happy and recharged by the time the next week rolls in, it is worth doing. Different people have different kinds of preferences when it comes to maximizing their free time. I have had the blessing of enjoying a lot of free moments lately and it has given me the opportunity to get involved in the many things that give me joy.

One of them is reading novels. I am a staunch fan of murder mysteries. I can never get enough breathers to go through them during a busy week at school, so my collection has been gathering dust at home. Another activity that I love doing is to write down my plans for the future. Finally, I like playing games and indulging in recreational activities. Board games are a guilty pleasure for me. I recently rediscovered my love for classic Monopoly and word puzzles and have been challenging my family and friends for intense rematches on weekends. There are plenty of ways to wind down in your spare moments. There are those who get involved in competitive sports.

Others want something more relaxing and simply hang out with family. More adventurous people travel to other parts of the world to experience and soak in another culture. Others write down their ideas. There are a rare few who spend days in the library looking to expand their knowledge on a certain topic or subject of interest. Then there are the more fun, casual, and popular group activities, such as karaoke, cocktails, hotel stays, and pampering trips. Making space to relax and the wind is essential in making sure you can still excel in the other areas of your life.

Works Cited Defense of Rule-Based Ethics. Issues in Recreation and Leisure-- Ethical Decision Making. New York: Human Kinetics Publishers. Nussbaum, Martha C. There is an idea of cognitive and valuation confusion in the book. The writer is a professor yet the book is not academic. ecommending There are many inconsistencies in the book yet it is something that gives a different opinion about the combination or working and leisure in the American context. Hence I will recommend this book to peers ichard, However, there are a few things I will be telling about the books that they do not develop high expectations from the book.

The book is conditionally recommended. The book offers a unique perspective on advantages of leisure time and the blessings of working less. The money we earn more is seldom spent on productive areas and normally falls prey to mere consumerism. People work more normally to be able to shop more. Besides that the people that I recommend the book will be told that the book does…. References Gini, Al. The Importance of Being Lazy. ISBN: O'Brien, T. Surely, many are afraid of their jobs, but others simply endure the process. One hundred years ago, working conditions were appalling and workers formed unions to air their grievances and build new labor laws that treated workers fairly.

Today, workers simply accept their fate instead of fighting for reform. It makes the reader wonder what the difference is, and why today's workers are "content" with the system. All of this work and stress directly relates to American issues in recreation and leisure. Americans are taking fewer vacations. Movie theater attendance is down; more people are watching films in the comfort of their own homes. Fast food is what is on much of the nation's dinner plate, and busy families rush from school to athletic practice to bed just about every day of the week. Where is the fun in recreation and leisure when it becomes a "job" too? Americans are…. References De Graaf, J. Take back your time: Fighting overwork and time poverty in America.

San Francisco. Berrett- Koehler Publishers. Instead, they only see the material things that they feel that they need. They are trained by society to want these materials objects, and they generally do not even understand why they feel this way. They only know that this is the way things are 'supposed to be. It perpetuates itself by being passed on to their children, who also see only the material benefits of making a lot of money so that they can have the best homes, the most expensive cars, and all of the latest technological gadgetry that money can buy.

For many of these people, they do not realize until it is too late that there is much more to life…. Bibliography de Graff, John. Take Back Your Time: Fighting Overwork and Time Poverty in America. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Bind Russell Hochschild, Arlie. The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work. New YOrk: Owl Books, Explain the title. What is the "Time Bind"? The author of The Time Bind, Arlie Russell Hochschild, states that for many parents today, particularly women, when the formal, paid part of their work shift ends, another unpaid work shift begins. This second shift comprises the demands of home and family care and is effectively another full-time job.

This creates a tension, or time bind between work and home, leaving no time for private leisure, much less devoting time to making a better world and community life for the next generation. More and more women are working, and these women working full-time rather than part-time, despite the demands of their children. Also, men are working more rather than fewer hours, leaving husbands and fathers even less available to help raise the…. But, as Driver points out, recreation and leisure not only preserve cultural identities - they also allow for cultures to mix and share experiences.

Baseball, for example, may be a distinctly American sport, but when a field is built or a league is formed, people who identify with a variety of different cultures and ethnicities are able to participate. The same holds true when a community holds a craft fair, a town pride day, or a festival. People from a variety of cultures are able to come together, learn from each other, and contribute to the overall strength of the community. It seems natural to conclude that an important component of a strong community is the availability of recreation and leisure activities that are accessible and can bring together all of the cultures of the community.

Environmental benefits As we have seen, recreation and leisure activities provide numerous benefits for…. Works Cited Caldwell, Linda K. Preliminary Effects of a Leisure Education Program to Promote Healthy Use of Free Time among Middle School Adolescent. Journal or Leisure Research, Vol. Driver, Bev No date. The Benefits of Leisure. Retrieved Sept. Get the Facts about Lacrosse Iwasaki, Yoshi; Mackay, Kelly; and Mactavish, Jennifer Gender-Based Analyses of Coping with Stress among Professional Managers: Leisure Coping and Non-Leisure Coping.

food increasingly popular a leisure activity. Background Information: Food people solely 'food fuel'. Food,, aspects a leisure activity: shopping [ farmer's markets], eating, cooking, reading, TV viewing, blogging. Food as a Leisure Activity Conditions in the contemporary society have made it possible for people to change their perspective regarding some concepts and things as simple as food have come to represent a leisure activity. Individuals are no longer interested in eating with the purpose to satisfy this need, as many people presently regard cooking and eating as an art.

Moreover, one needs to focus expansively on these concepts in order to harvest all the benefits associated with making and eating food. Food has reached a whole new level in first-world countries, considering that the financial condition that people in these countries have virtually enabled them to see food as being more than just a necessity. Numerous individuals are actively…. Works cited: Adema, Pauline, "Vicarious Comsumption: Food, Television and the Ambiguity of Modernity,"Journal of American and Comparative Cultures Or at least, this is a common stereotype about Americans and people who live in other parts of the world. The average working American gets two weeks sometimes three if they're lucky of vacation time a year while it isn't uncommon for individuals living in Spain, Italy and other parts of Western Europe to have the entire summer off, which is something that shocks Americans when they visit Madrid or ome in the middle of the summer.

In the news we've heard about workers in Western Europe facing a cut in their social benefits, however, their vacation time is never touched Geoghegan Meanwhile, American workers employed during this desperate financial time are not taking their vacations in fear of losing their jobs if they do or of…. References Geoghegan, T. Why don't Americans have longer vacations? The New York Times. How vacations affect your happiness. New York Times. Cultural Perceptions of Time in frica Time is a foundational factor in every culture. The perception of time is different for most cultures and the determining factor to those differences is often based on the means of production.

Much of the information regarding the development of time concepts in frican culture is colonial and based on the European interlopers recorded ideas. Some of those recorded ideas are those of missionaries and others are those of capitalist adventurers, with the intermittent mark of a very few true historians. In Mali, as in many other parts of frica, there are…. Akan" is an ethnographic and linguistic term used to refer to a cluster of culturally homogenous groups living in central and southern Ghana and parts of the adjoining eastern Cote d'Ivoire. The Akan constitute two broad subcategories: the inland Asante, Bono, Akyem, Akwapem, and Kwawu, who speak the Twi, and the coastal Fante, who speak a dialect of the same name.

The Akan dialects are, for the most part, mutually intelligible. Most of these ethnic groups constituted autonomous political systems in the pre-colonial period. Beyond early sparse references by Rattray and Danquah , a full-length monograph on the subject did not appear until Deborah Fink "Time and Space Measurements of the Bono of Ghana" ; however, the author's primary concern was with the applicability of Bono terminologies for measuring volume, weight, and time to formal education, rather than with time-marking systems P. Bartle brief five-page paper, "Forty Days: The Akan Calendar" , was an exploratory essay into a single calendrical framework, the day adaduanan cycle.

Its treatment is consequently restrictive and limited to the day calendrical structure. Similarly, Tom McCaskie "Time and the Calendar in Nineteenth-Century Asante: An Exploratory Essay" and Ivor Wilks ' "On Mentally Mapping Greater Asante: A Study of Time and Motion" are concerned primarily with a specific aspect of time: the scheduling of diplomatic and other governmental business in Asante. Adjaye , Business and Leisure Events Distinguishing the difference between a business event and a leisure event can be confusing. There are many differences and similarities between both. Depending on the purpose and intent of a particular event, the line between a business event and a leisure event at times, can be blurry.

This paper will identify types of business events, identify the various types of leisure events and discuss the similarities and differences between the two. Business Events A business event can be categorized as an event, occurrence or activity directly related to establishing, maintaining or promoting business. Or one used to train, educate, motivate or reward staff. References Bischoff, BILL. com - SmartMoney. Guritz, Russlyn, and Charles Barrett. Hard, Rob. The aged can also be accommodated near the bottom of the building, with low-impact aerobics and other targeted activities offered here.

The medical and emergency facilities should also be incorporated close to these locations. Young children, on the other hand, can be accommodated closer to the top floor of the facility, as they should have no difficulty accessing the higher levels of the building. Employees should be trained in providing them with adult supervision while they take part in the activities here. wimming pools of various sizes and depth levels can be included in this location. Daycare facilities can also be located on this floor, or close to it. It is important to include an intercom system from the children's and daycare floors, so that parents can be notified instantly if a child is in need of direct parental intervention.

Baby changing rooms, and breastfeeding space can also be provided…. Sources Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council. htm Report of the Head of Property Services , March 2. Spare Time Equipment Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats pare Time Equipment' is a newly started business located on the edge of Minneapolis in Minnesota, offers small pleasure boats, snowmobiles, jet-skies, line of trailer and pickup truck campers manufactured by different companies. Mark Zimmerman, the owner of the business has been trying for two years to bring his sales level up in order to make the business profitable.

His recent strategy in this regard is to include 'mountain bikes' in the line of products he offers in this area. In order to reach the right decision regarding the new strategy of increased products line, Mark needs to have a SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, and Opportunities analysis of the business. With the help of SWOT analysis, information regarding…. Bibliography Griffin, R. Fundamentals of Management. Mason: Cengage Learning. Pahl, N. SWOT Analysis - Idea, Methodology and a Practical Approach. Nordestedt: GRIN Verlag. The plan will provide a blog providing information about recipes, real-time review, and recommendation.

The project will also present the projected revenue that will detail the costs of advertisement and promotions and net revenues with the goals of building a reputation that will lead to a prosperous business and marketing vehicles to other viable businesses. In the contemporary business environment, increasing number of micro and small businesses are taking the advantages of the internet technology to launch their…. Reference Al Jenaibi, B. Use of Social Media in the United Arab Emirates: An Initial Study. Global Media Journal Arabian Edition,1, 2 : Anderson, A. and Jack, S. The working class standards of morals work as a substitute to how success is defined in terms of economics Sachin, These people value morals more than the money and believe that morals outweigh money in having a successful life.

They love to maintain dignity in their lives. Despite having their morals above money, they draw the lines between economic classes. Hence they do not separate themselves from the poor but do so while they are comparing themselves with the richer economic class Arakji, These workers have rigid boundaries while defining dignity and consider themselves more moral and value oriented and worth-full than their peers of the people better than them in economic position. The book is a great comparison of American working class to the French working class. Both have moral values and like to pursue values rather than money yet keeping their self-dignity and self-respect intact. References About the Book, the Dignity of Working Men, n. acism Time changes everything; reading these two pieces of work reminds the author of that fact and so much more.

Both The Welcome Table, by Alice Walker, and the poem What it's Like to be a Black Girl, by Smith speak out of the dust of the past to those who now live in the future. It is interesting to note that though the subject matter of racist attitudes pervades each story, both writings provide a viewpoint that is unique; The Table deals with an old negro lady on the verge of death, while a Black Girl deals with the other end of the spectrum; a young black girl addressing puberty and adolescence and the troubles and trials facing a maturing young lady. While presenting two differing points-of-view, each offers a strikingly similar stance; that racism affects those who feel its insidious influence in a myriad of ways. As one…. References Arai, S.

The Welcome Table: A lifetime of memories with recipes, Library Journal, Vol. Middle English The period thought of as the Middle English period roughly from is a period that is demonstrative of the massive changes associated with the Norman conquest. Though there is some evidence that French did not completely overtake English in common or official use the language had a great influence upon English via the Normans and the elasticity of the language at its source. The Middle English period was marked by momentous changes in the English language, changes more extensive and fundamental than those that have taken place at any time before or since.

Some of them were the result of the Norman Conquest and the conditions which followed in the wake of that event. Others were a continuation of tendencies that had begun to manifest themselves in Old…. Works Cited Baugh, Albert C. A History of the English Language. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Emerson, Oliver Farrar. The History of the English Language. New York: Macmillan, The Story of English: Third Revised Edition. New York: Penguin, Spreading the Word; Restore VOA's English-Language Broadcast Funds. Moortown Sports and Leisure Centre MSLC Report The Moortown Sports and Leisure Centre MSLC has many challenges and obstacles to overcome to better serve the community in which it operates.

In order for the organization to meet the needs of the local population, both now and into the future, MSLC will have to redesign and improve many of its operational processes to make more efficient and effective use of its current capabilities. The current facilities have unable to accommodate the local demand for their use however with a more efficient system of booking and facilities transfer the organization could meet more of the local demand. It is recommended that the organization build an IT system that can help manage scheduling of the facilities. This would effectively increase the capacity of the facilities through better management and communication. Contents Executive Summary Contents Introduction Body Conclusion Recommendations Summary orks Cited Introduction The….

Works Cited Amazon Web Services, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon EC2. Liew, A. Understanding Data, Information, Knowledge And Their Inter-Relationships. Work-Life Balance Does Leisure Time Affect Work Performance? Employees are the most valuable asset that any organization has in their possession. Many times it is difficult for employees to balance their obligations of work, yet still maintain a fulfilling life outside of the workplace. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia recognizes the importance of maintaining a healthy work and home life balance.

This research measures the ability to detach from work to get quality leisure time and its impact on employees. The results found that at this organization workers did not have the ability to recover during leisure time. Suggestions were made for improving the situation at the healthcare facility. Does Leisure Time Affect Work Performance? Introduction Employees are the most valuable asset that any organization has in their possession. Many times it is difficult for employees to balance their obligations of work, yet still maintain a fulfilling life outside of the…. References Berg, J. When Callings Are Calling: Crafting Work and Leisure in Pursuit of Unanswered Occupational Callings.

Organization Science. Binnewies, C. Feeling recovered and thinking about the good sides of one's work. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14 3 ,, Demerouti, E. Need for recovery, home -- work interference and performance: Is lack of concentration the link? Journal of Vocational Behavior. pdf Fullick, S. Relationships between leisure-time energy expenditure and individual coping strategies for shift-work. Ergonomics 52 4 , It also assists these individuals to better understand themselves and nature and improves their understanding of their place in the world around them and their senses. For people who pursue some of the more challenging outdoor recreation activities, they have many opportunities for development of self-image and self-confidence, cooperation and trust, and physical fitness.

These benefits frequently are only gained through sporting and other leisure time activities in a natural environment. Up until now, however, the emphasis has not been on recreational facilities for this older population. In a study conducted for the YMCA Blanding, as part of the Comprehensive Leisure and Aging Study of the University of Northern Colorado and National etired Persons Association, directors of senior centers and programs were asked to say whether or not they provided any of a select group of outdoor recreation activities. As noted by the following chart, very few senior centers…. References Adtkins, D. html Blanding, C. Retrieved February 22, May 21, Generation Gap?

Internet on Life hy the Internet is the Most Useful Invention of our Generation The Internet is the most useful invention of our generation. The accumulated effects of the Internet include significant contributions in the areas of education, the creation of jobs and furthering of professions, and an exponential increase in the amount and variety of entertainment for leisure time. It is the intent of this paper to evaluate the pros and cons or advantages and disadvantages of the Internet in the areas of education, professional and leisure activities. Advantages of the Internet in Education There are a myriad of contributions the Internet has made to education, in addition to the many innovations occurring today in the context of individualized instruction.

The development of e-learning management systems for example, which can unify an entire semesters' worth of work together into a sequential, well-defined series of steps, has shown significant potential…. Works Cited Bassamboo, Achal, Sunil Kumar, and Ramandeep S. Bernoff, Josh, and Charlene Li. Dyer, Jeffrey H. Henry, Paul. Other things need to be taken into consideration as factors impacting the work vs. leisure decision. The wage rate should, to some degree, be directly proportional with the quantity of work provided. In this sense, if the wage rates increased, then the quantity of work provided should increase as well, in an attempt to maximize revenues. However, this is only true to some degree: at some level of the wage rate increase, the work provided will start to decrease, mainly because of a psychological effect this has on the individual.

At the same time, an increase in income levels should increase the time provided for leisure, because some of the increased income can be used in leisure activities that would include additional spending. In order to maximize the work supply of an individual, companies and organizations need to be able to identify the right incentive by which this can be…. Constructive attitudes towards work, leisure, time and change, set apart organizational models of attainment and enthusiasm, individualism as well as realization of self, and being humanistic as well as helpful that result in constructive culture that urges communications with individuals and strategies to assignments which will allow the employees to fulfill satisfaction needs of a higher plane and would bring about changes.

Aarons; Sawitzky, As opposed to this, defensive attitudes to work, leisure and time are typified by looking for support and unanimity, being traditional and compliant, and being reliable and submissive that result in defensive culture. Defensive cultures support or completely need communication with individuals in manners that will not endanger individual safety and will not lead to changes. Aarons; Sawitzky, Further, family, social mobility and religion are especially more vibrant that show conventional model of ancestry following and notions of family structure, as also modifications ushered…. References Aarons, Gregory a; Sawitzky, Angelina C.

February, "Organizational Culture and Climate and Mental Health Provider Attitudes toward Evidence-Based Practice" Psychological Services. Al-Nakeeb, Basil. XLVI, no. Mandatory An attitude of 'firm persuasion' means that we have a sense of mission in what we do; a mission that cannot be easily diverted or silenced. At his core, Morrie's firm persuasion was that he was a teacher. Even when facing tremendous physical challenges and obstacles, he continued to teach Mitch and others about the nature of his life. One way to figure out what our life's work is and to steel ourselves with 'firm persuasion' is to ask: what would I be doing if I had my choice, more than anything else in the world?

Playing sports? Although not everyone can be a teacher, painter, professional athlete, or writer, we can all find ways to ensure that we are able to pursue our passions every day. Having a 'firm persuasion' in doing what makes our life feel meaningful means being able to tolerate and rebound from…. However we measure time, it is outside our control, and was before we learned how to measure it the linear way we do now. Time has real personal and collective qualities as our phone bill analysis demonstrated above, where distance is large enough that one person born at the exact same 'moment' as someone else, is actually older because of their position on the earth.

And differences become apparent for the same individual at different periods. Sometimes time seems to pass slowly when you are waiting for something but moves faster when you have to solve an elusive problem. Likewise a period of time can seem longer beforehand than after, and in the distant past or future. So, two people, or all of them, could experience time at different rates, and place different values on those rates, all at the 'same time. Dulac, Oakmont Country Club: Awakening the Beast, "You can hit 72 greens in regulation in the Open at Oakmont and not come close to winning. Open, especially if it's dry, it will be unreal because those greens are so severe.

Oakmont clears trees to revive Scottish-lins look for U. Interview Contact information: MDA Date interviewed: November 8, Company name: MD Anderson Cancer Center Highest degree earned: LPN College or University where the degree was earned: Houston Community College What is your title and what are your main responsibilities? I am a nurse. My main responsibilities are: measuring vital signs, administering medications, keeping the patient clean, handling wound care, maintaining patient records, and observing the patient. What are some of the specific skills you need in order to perform your job?

The biggest skill I need is the ability to communicate with my patients. Through communication I can learn if they are in pain, if they have any needs, and assess their conditions. I also need a thorough understanding of biology and anatomy. Describe what you do during a typical day? During a typical day I work on a specific floor and am in charge of handling a set…. It wasn't until the s and '30s that their blue-collar counterparts began to get paid vacations as well. Americans in the late 20th century "worked more days per year than workers in other prosperous nations, such as those in Europe, yet on average, had less vacation time Sabga, This is due to the fact "unlike in other countries, particularly Europe, vacations in the United States are not guaranteed by the government Sabga, References Asmar, Marwan.

Cowen, Tyler. January, accessed 28 November, Kohlstedt, Sally Gregory. In terms of the management of the risk, this can be completed through either one or more of the following techniques: 1 mitigation of the risks; 2 transfer of the risk from one unit to the other, one project to the other and so on; 3 the acceptance of the risk; 4 the avoidance of the risks; 5 the communication of the risks and the search for risk management strategies, and last, 6 the implementation of the risk management strategies Elky, Once the company has decided to accept and mitigate the risk, it has several solutions to managing the risk. Steve Elky at the SANS Institute points out that there are at least five methods for risk management, namely the NIST methodology National Institute of Standards and Technology , the OCTAVE methodology, the FAP methodology, the COBA methodology and the isk Watch methodology.

The challenge at this level is for…. References: Collier, P. aspx last accessed on July 10, These shareholders in the military-industrial complex influence the government in various ways. These companies that produce war weapons or equipment can attach themselves to the central government and the department of defense. These individuals provide enormous amounts of money to various candidates in the congress or have a large number of lobbyists advocating for more contracts in the defense industry. Another influence from the military-industrial complex idea emerges from various political individuals who decide to work for the defense contractors when they leave office.

The effect of this is a conflict of interest in the government that negatively affects the common American taxpayer. Continuous war is beneficial to the shareholders in military-industrial complex. They use their position to offer support to individuals who can serve their best interest by favoring a foreign policy that is aggressive. This enables them to influence a conflict that the government pays by engaging in…. Reference Archer, J. The Fourth Estate. New York, NY: Harper Audio. Hunt, E. Social science: An introduction to the study of society, fourteenth edition.

Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Lewis, T. The Bill of Rights. Pasadena, Calif: Salem Press. Overholser, G. The press. New York: Oxford University Press. Speech: Museum's Bid For Bodies Good evening ladies -- and yes, good evening gentleman as well. Well, where should we begin? Ahhhh yes -- Are any of you aware of what a cadaver parade is? Have any of you ever actually heard of a cadaver parade? Let me read to you a recent headline that I discovered: "Anatomy of competition: 2 museums bid for bodies -- what is a bid -- it is an offer or a proposal of a price. Pause My initial thoughts after reading those words were: "This is unbelievable, no, it is downright shocking, shameful, and certainly very offensive.

When was the last time a price was hung on us human beings? You probably already know, that's right -- During the days of Slavery. Pause Am I right? I believe that the practice attaching a price to the human body…. References I need you to organize this speech - grammar and sentence structure my speech is about provocative questions - please correct the question grammar but don't omit them and make some order, that it flows the topic is about body world and exhibition of cadavers in California-- the web site is www. Pop is tomorrow's Classical"- Paul McCartney. Classical Rock and Popular Prophecy To the average music-listener, musical genres are easily divided into homogenous groupings without any danger of overlapping one another.

Certainly, there are rare occurrences of "cross-over" hits on the radio that find airplay on both Adult Contemporary and Country stations, or those releases which find an audience among both Easy Listening and Rock fans. Another seemingly strange occurrence that may be observed by the slightly more alert music consumer is that time shifts musical pieces from one genre to another, and yesterday's Alternative Rock is today's Easy Listening, yet even this phenomenon is considered an anomaly of the music industry. A simplicity is desired among musical elitists that preserves some musical forms as valid, labeling others as mere fads. However, the deep impact of musical….

Bibliography "Classical Music. World Book. htm Duxbury, Janell R. Summer, html Duxbury, Janell R. Rockin' the Classics and Classicizin' the Rock: A Selectively Annotated Discography. Greenwood Press, Fissinger, Laura. Spring minimum sources research sport write A thesis, attention catcher, topic sentence? It was accompanied by expanded prosperity for many middle class Americans and the rise of the 'flapper,' the sexually liberated and independent young woman. The rise of the middle class and the larger percentage of Americans with considerable disposable income and leisure time also allowed greater participation in sports.

It also has been called the Age of the Spectator" Summer Thanks to the strength of the U. economy, more stadiums for professional and recreational sports were constructed, and radio and newspapers enabled fans to keep abreast of the latest developments of professional teams. For the first time,…. Works Cited Carter, D. Daily Herald. The s: American popular culture through history. To these kids playing video games is an extracurricular activity and they don't see any reason to do anything else. The major problem with this is that the incidence of childhood obesity in the U. is three times higher than it was 40 years ago. esearch shows that the increased use of technology by children during leisure time has transformed play from what used to be more physically active to sedentary.

Children are often engaged in an environment that exposes them to food advertisement that encourages even more caloric consumption. Despite the linkage between technology and sedentary behavior, no consistent policy exists at the federal level that articulates government's role to address this issue Campbell, Gilmore, McGinty, Pickering and amos, A new study shows that every hour that a child plays video games or watches television may double their risk of obesity. This is not the first study to…. References Campbell, Casie, Gilmore, William, McGinty, James, Pickering, Jennifer and Ramos, Joseph. Minimizing Technologies' Contribution to Childhood Obesity. html Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?

Retrieved March 2, , from Pro. Sparked by my being the eldest girl in the family, my personality developed to become strong, colorful, and well-formed. From as early as I can remember, I felt a keen sense of responsibility, partly fueled by the expectations placed on my by my relatives, parents, and siblings. Automatically placed in a position of leadership since my early childhood, I continue to display initiative, decisiveness, and optimism in all my relationships. My unique personality particularly emerges within the arena of human relationships, especially friendships and family ties.

My Korean heritage also has a great impact on my identity, fostering my appreciation for and curiosity about the world around me. I am inquisitive and interested in expanding my horizons. Because I have a tightly knit family with close ties to our traditions, I enjoy being helpful and nurturing to others. My parents don't speak fluent English, and I have always been willing…. This writer would like to know if Ms. Barr ever felt the need to cut down on drinking or to stop and couldn't. Barr takes any other drugs or medication in order to sleep or make her feel better and if so how much, and how often.

Mental Health Symptoms: Mental Status: This writer would like to ask Ms. Barr if she ever thought of harming herself or someone else. If yes, did she have a plan and when was the last time she thought about harming herself or someone else? This writer would like to know if she has ever harmed anyone intentionally. If yes, does she have a plan and when was the last time she harmed someone else. This writer would observe if Ms. Barr's physical characteristics such as clothing, hair color, eye color, mannerisims, interaction with her and….

Emile Zola and Honere De Balzac were writers that embraced their century and time period. They wrote comprehensive histories of their respective contemporary societies. Although they share a similar interest in dissecting time throughout their novels, Emile shows a more modern take on time than does Honere De Balzac. In fact, his methodical approach to the social, moral, and sexual landscape of the late nineteenth century proves Zola as the quintessential novelist of modernity. Zola shows this through irregular change in his novels: The Drinking Den, Germinal, La Bete Humaine, Nana, and The Debacle. hereas Balzac, in his work, Le Comedie Humaine, Eugenie Grandet, and Father Goriot, follows an old fashioned classic style of realism that focuses on the upper class.

Balzac shows time through detail and structure, Zola through change and dynamic fluidity. Zola's epic kind of realism is shown through variety and complexity. His characters are all different….

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