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Essay about population growth

Essay about population growth

your username. Sometimes they give birth to girl children in the desire of single boy. Contact us Please Help us to improve, Contact us. There are a couple of major impacts that the People living below poverty line BPL are not aware of the consequence of this population growth owe to their illiteracy, essay about population growth. A country can only get success when its citizens are healthy and live a happy and content life.

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Population growth today has become a serious matter of concern for the world. The world population has been consistently increasing at an alarming rate and is estimated to be around 7. Uncontrolled population growth leads to rapid urbanization and depletion of resources. Natural resources that are pretty scarce in some parts of the world become scarcer due to increased consumption. Apart from depleting resources, a population increase means more buildings and factories come up and more tress fell and forests destroyed. It also puts an strain on the availability of basic amenities like health, education and welfare. We have provided below short and long essay on population growth in English for your information and knowledge.

The essays have been written in simple yet effective English so that you can easily grasp the information and present it whenever needed. After going through these population growth essay you will know what the effects of population growth on natural resources, what is the trend of population growth in different countries; advantages and disadvantages of population growth etc. It requires a quick and serious attention from all of us. The worst situation due to growing population now can be seen in many countries where people are struggling with shortage of food, shelter, pure water and also essay about population growth to breathe polluted air.

This crisis is growing day by day and affecting essay about population growth our natural resources as more people results in more consumption of water, food, land, tree and also the fossil fuels badly impacting the environment in many ways. In current time, essay about population growth, over population has become a curse to the existence of natural beauty. People are suffering from various diseases due to polluted air in environment. Population may cause unemployment and also effects the economical development of any country. Due to consistently increasing level of population, poverty is also growing in many countries. People are bounded to live under limited resources and supplements. In many countries including India, population has crossed all its limits and as result we find high illiteracy level, poor health services and lack of resources in the rural areas.

Population of the World is increasing day by day and it is becoming a huge concern for the world. As per latest data, population is already crossed 7. Increase in essay about population growth affects the economic, environmental and social development of the world. Population growth is not uniform in all the countries of the World. Some Countries have high growth while some are having moderate or a very low increase in their population. Population growth rate is needed to be controlled to save the World especially in those countries with faster growth rate. It will balance the system as manpower is required for the growth of country. Though over population is a worldwide problem but still in some countries population is below the required rate which is also a serious issue as in those countries less people means less manpower to support and work for the development of that country.

Over Population is definitely harmful for any country in many ways but it has some positive essay about population growth too. Increased population leads to increase in manpower for a country where more people are easily found helping in the development of different sectors. Essay about population growth population growth is also required for growth of the economy of any country. If population of a country is constant or is not increasing, it will create more old age people than the young people, essay about population growth. That country will not have enough manpower to do the job. Japan is the best example as there government is motivating to increase the birth rate in an attempt to minimize the age gap.

Second best example can be taken of China as 25 years ago here government implemented the rule of one child in a family, essay about population growth. After few years when the growth rate of China started reducing and was having less young manpower, then recently they lifted this ban and allowed parents to have two children instead of one. More consumption means more industry growth to cater that consumption. More industry requires more manpower. Money circulation will improve and cost of living of the country will improve. People in the country will earn money and will educate their kids so that they can do work for the growth of country.

Basically it all depends on the controlled growth of population. If population growth is higher than required, it will essay about population growth problem of unemployment, poverty etc. Whether resources may be limited for over populated countries but extra manpower is definitely required for generating extra resources and making new inventions. Population is the count of the number of persons living in a particular region. It has reached an alarming rate in some countries. Over population can be due to many causes like illiteracy, improper knowledge of family planning, migration from different places.

According to survey this whole World is inhabited by around 7. more than crore people. This may lead to disastrous effects in future and thus it is required to control it in order to live a safe and healthy life. Presently this figure may have crossed crore and in near future, essay about population growth, it will surpass that of China China. India is facing a big challenge as population growth. Government has to spend more to provide the basic things at the subsidized rate to cater to the massive population of below poverty line BPL consumers.

As Government is providing subsidy on basic items, it is left with a minimal amount to be used in, developmental projects aiding to the growth in economy, essay about population growth. Government has the fewer amounts to spend on social services such as education, hospital, essay about population growth, infrastructure etc which are essentially required for a progressive country. Therefore, a planned growth of essay about population growth economy needs some effective check on population explosion.

Illiteracy is the main cause in India for the population growth. People living below poverty line BPL are not aware of the consequence of this population growth owe to their illiteracy. People think that more children mean they will earn more money for the family without realizing its impact. Sometimes parents desire boy as they think that he will popular his name and family name. Sometimes they give birth to girl children in the desire of single boy. Overpopulation is the main cause for the unemployment in India. We can see that for any examination or vacancy, millions applications are received. It increases the competition and sometimes people use the bribe to get the job. Government has taken various initiatives to educate the people about the benefits of family planning.

Some major steps are noted here:. To make a country developed and powerful every citizen of that country need to take step on his own end apart from blaming on others. Over population may be the biggest cause for the destruction of a nation. We must find out effective solutions to the problem in order to achieve success as a Nation. At present situation the problem of overpopulation comes under the category of global crisis which is growing day by day and with each passing second. This essay is specially written for understanding the issues its causes, essay about population growth, its affects and most importantly the solution. Over population means an increase in the number of people in an area than the number, the resources of that particular area can sustain. Many causes are behind this problem some are:.

To live a better life every family need to have proper family planning in manner to provide their kids complete nutritious food, proper shelter, best education and other important resources, essay about population growth. A country can only get success when its citizens are healthy and live a happy and content life. Thus controlled population is the key to the success for every Country in the World. Essay on Family Planning in India. Essay on World Population Day. Speech on World Population Day. Paragraph on Population. Essay on Overpopulation in World. Shailja is one of those who is lucky to have turned her passion into her profession.

A post graduate in English Literature, writing comes naturally to her and she is doing what she does best - writing and editing. An avid reader, a fashion junkie, nature lover, adventure freak and a travel enthusiast are some of the other terms that describe her. Essay about population growth all. Please Help us to improve, Contact us. Population Growth Essay. Long and Short Essay on Population Growth in English. Previous Greenhouse Effect Essay, essay about population growth. Next How Plastic Bags are Harmful to Marine Life. About The Author. Shailja Sharma Shailja is one of those who is lucky to have turned her passion into her profession. Related Posts. Contact us Please Help us to improve, Contact us.

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Natural resources that are pretty scarce in some parts of the world become scarcer due to increased consumption. Apart from depleting resources, a population increase means more buildings and factories come up and more tress fell and forests destroyed. It also puts an strain on the availability of basic amenities like health, education and welfare. We have provided below short and long essay on population growth in English for your information and knowledge. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English so that you can easily grasp the information and present it whenever needed. After going through these population growth essay you will know what the effects of population growth on natural resources, what is the trend of population growth in different countries; advantages and disadvantages of population growth etc.

It requires a quick and serious attention from all of us. The worst situation due to growing population now can be seen in many countries where people are struggling with shortage of food, shelter, pure water and also have to breathe polluted air. This crisis is growing day by day and affecting completely our natural resources as more people results in more consumption of water, food, land, tree and also the fossil fuels badly impacting the environment in many ways. In current time, over population has become a curse to the existence of natural beauty.

People are suffering from various diseases due to polluted air in environment. Population may cause unemployment and also effects the economical development of any country. Due to consistently increasing level of population, poverty is also growing in many countries. People are bounded to live under limited resources and supplements. In many countries including India, population has crossed all its limits and as result we find high illiteracy level, poor health services and lack of resources in the rural areas. Population of the World is increasing day by day and it is becoming a huge concern for the world.

As per latest data, population is already crossed 7. Increase in population affects the economic, environmental and social development of the world. Population growth is not uniform in all the countries of the World. Some Countries have high growth while some are having moderate or a very low increase in their population. Population growth rate is needed to be controlled to save the World especially in those countries with faster growth rate. It will balance the system as manpower is required for the growth of country. Though over population is a worldwide problem but still in some countries population is below the required rate which is also a serious issue as in those countries less people means less manpower to support and work for the development of that country.

Over Population is definitely harmful for any country in many ways but it has some positive side too. Increased population leads to increase in manpower for a country where more people are easily found helping in the development of different sectors. Controlled population growth is also required for growth of the economy of any country. If population of a country is constant or is not increasing, it will create more old age people than the young people. That country will not have enough manpower to do the job. Japan is the best example as there government is motivating to increase the birth rate in an attempt to minimize the age gap. Second best example can be taken of China as 25 years ago here government implemented the rule of one child in a family.

By this, the government asks people to have more children who can fulfill the needs of the development of the countries. As those children grow and they start having the children continue their family trees. However, this factor causes population growth which is mainly the childbirth rate. Population Growth rate mainly depends on the birth rate and death rate of the people. The birth rate was only 0. As the huge population is located in some areas the density of people increases and demand for needs increases. The economic growth of the country, opportunities , nutrition , need for land , environment balancing , and many others will be the challenge for the government of the countries.

Losses due to population growth are Environmental pollution , Scarcity of natural resources, Deforestation for agriculture needs , increase in urbanization , Increase in Industries , etc. Mainly the huge loss is to the environment as the people increase the need for food increases as the similar need for land also increases. The two conditions cannot balance at a time and finally tends to increase food rates and land rates. The hungriness of the world increases as the cultivation of food products decreases, some countries like African countries had a huge scarcity of food and a high rate of drought arose. The population growth rate cannot be controlled within a short period, so every person should think that a long time goal to secure the environment.

All the government should bring up population growth laws to control the birth rate. It is the responsibility of the present humans to think about the future generation and decrease the growth rate similarly conserve the resources for the future. Every person should get aware of population growth and everyone should be educated about the impacts and disadvantages of the population. So finally decrease the population growth and increase the needs of future generations. Conclusion: We believe that the above essay on Population Growth was helped you to know some unique stuff and unknown points.

The above Essay on Population growth and its impacts explained all the ways that affect the environment of the present and also for the future. Dear Students and Children, you can download the Population Growth Essay in the Hand Written Format by Clicking the Below Click Here Link. Sign in. According to this, our future India Population Growth. Demographic economics, Demography, One-child policy, Population, Population ecology, World population. Until recently, birth rates and mortality rates were the same, keeping the population stable. Man has many children, but a large number die before age five.

In the Industrial Revolution, a period of history in Europe and North America, where science and technology progress, success Demography Population Population Growth. Natural resources are things found in nature that are necessary or useful to humans. However, the most used and in-demand natural resources are non-renewable, meaning they are of limited supply and India is a place brimming with different cultures and languages, is also filled with another thing- People. Lots and lots of people. With a population of more than a billion, it is not surprising that India is home to some of the most populated cities We should be returning the favor, but instead we thank Earth by having it house 7.

Overpopulation is a bothersome condition where the quantity of Hans starts of talking about how astounded he was when his teacher in school told him that the world population had become three billion people; back in Rosling explains that instead of using digital technology; he is going to use IKEA boxes to represent Demographic economics, Demography, Human Development Index, Human geography, Population, Population ecology, World population. The world is a very big place with a population of 6,,, people and always growing. The world and its important resources are being destroyed by populations growing in such small areas.

Many of these small areas have many problems of their own because of

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