Friday, January 28, 2022

Superstition essay

Superstition essay

Examples Superstition essay Superstitions. Superstitions Essay No. It is a child of ignorance; it hates and flees from the face of knowledge. It was first believed by Egyptians and has now spread throughout the world. Astrologers, sooth Sayers, good men, and priests have a great demand not only to the illiterate, poor and the ignorant but also to the rich, well-off, highly educated people, superstition essay, leaders, and eminent politicians.

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Essay on Superstitions: Human beings generally believe in unseen powers that may not be present at sight but possess superstition essay tendencies. These unreasonable and irrational elements that defeat the natural arguments of scientific development are called superstitions. From superstition essay east till the west, superstition essay, the sun, moon, stars and planets are believed to influence human lives and therefore worshipped like deities. The absence of logic and prevalence of age-old beliefs have strengthened superstitions in different parts of the world. Below we have provided Superstitions Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, superstition essay, 7, 8, 9 and How many times in our daily lives have we heard things like these?

But all of this is no more than mere superstition. Put simply; superstitions are sheer myths. They are irrational beliefs that people have since decades and centuries. Superstitions do not arise from any concrete evidence or proofs, but instead are a cause of our ignorance and misunderstanding. How many of us are dreadful of Friday, the 13th? The reason why Friday, the 13th is considered to be the unluckiest day is because of two reasons, superstition essay. First, it is believed that if 13 people dine together, then one of them is bound to die within the next year, superstition essay. And second, people believe that Jesus was crucified on a Friday. All this has led to a great build-up of not so great superstition.

Besides other things that can bring us bad luck, breaking a mirror is considered to be the most significant. It was first believed by Egyptians and has now spread throughout the world. It is said that breaking a mirror brings superstition essay 7 years of bad luck. Why 7 years? The reason behind it is that it takes the body 7 years- time to renew itself, i. all of its cells. A common superstition that is believed across India is to never go near a Peepal tree at night. It is believed that ghosts hover around it in the dark, and if you sleep under it or rest under its branches during the night-time, you will end up dead. We say we are a progressing country but with these kinds of beliefs? I guess not. Numerous causes lead to superstitions securing a place in the minds of individuals, but the most substantial reason for it is illiteracy.

This is why they are more widespread in rural superstition essay. Superstitions are just passed like ancestral property from one generation to the other, superstition essay. They are not questioned; they are simply accepted superstition essay believed in. Some people also start believing in superstitions because of convenience. For example, superstition essay, a student walking to his school sees a black cat cross his path in the morning. He then later finds out that he failed his mathematics exam. The reason for him failing is that he superstition essay not superstition essay properly or seriously.

But instead, he might end up thinking and telling others that his failure is attributable to the fact that a black cat superstition essay his way earlier in the day. Instead, take your luck in your own hands. These are baseless beliefs that have been inculcated in us from ages. It is time we shatter them and believe more in things that have a scientific standing, superstition essay. There are plenty of ways to superstition essay superstitions. You should think that you and only you are responsible for carving out your own future. No broken mirror or black cat can have any influence on it.

Education also has a major role to play in this. The more educated a person becomes, the more he or she starts differentiating between what is real and what are lies. You can also spend more time with people who are not superstitious. They may help you in learning about how these irrational beliefs originated and why they hold no truth in them, superstition essay. All of these ways may help you and your near and dear ones to look at yourself and your life from a newer and more empowered perspective. Reader Interactions Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar HOME UPSC State Civil Services Indian Superstition essay Notes Essay for UPSC SCERT Textbooks NCERT Books NCERT Books For Class 1 NCERT Books For Class 2 NCERT Books For Class 3 NCERT Books For Class 4 NCERT Books For Class 5 NCERT Books For Class 6 NCERT Books For Class 7 NCERT Books For Class 8 NCERT Books For Class 9 NCERT Books For Class Leave a Reply Cancel reply Superstition essay email address will not be published.

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These unreasonable and irrational elements that defeat the natural arguments of scientific development are called superstitions. From the east till the west, the sun, moon, stars and planets are believed to influence human lives and therefore worshipped like deities. The absence of logic and prevalence of age-old beliefs have strengthened superstitions in different parts of the world. Below we have provided Superstitions Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and How many times in our daily lives have we heard things like these? But all of this is no more than mere superstition.

Put simply; superstitions are sheer myths. They are irrational beliefs that people have since decades and centuries. Superstitions do not arise from any concrete evidence or proofs, but instead are a cause of our ignorance and misunderstanding. How many of us are dreadful of Friday, the 13th? The reason why Friday, the 13th is considered to be the unluckiest day is because of two reasons. First, it is believed that if 13 people dine together, then one of them is bound to die within the next year. And second, people believe that Jesus was crucified on a Friday. All this has led to a great build-up of not so great superstition.

Besides other things that can bring us bad luck, breaking a mirror is considered to be the most significant. It was first believed by Egyptians and has now spread throughout the world. This number often brings misfortune for them, they think. The eclipse of the sun and the moon, the shooting star, cries of owls, ravens, mewing, howling, braying etc. are superstitions. They take them to be ill-omens. Again people wear the elements of stones, rings, armlets, a talisman to remove their baseless fear in case of diseases like fever, diarrhea, pox, influenza etc. They also believe in fakirism. Without undergoing the treatment of doctors, rural women do everything in a very orthodox manner. Origin of superstitions: All superstitions have their origin in human psychology of fear of ill-luck, insecurity and the dread of inexplicable forces in nature.

When some phenomena cannot be made out or explained, people start dreading them and assign them supernatural, divine and mysterious origins. Tantriks, priests godmen, babas, other vested interests also help in spreading superstitions. In superstition, the astrologers, priests, stargazers, magicians, god-men, quacks and babas have a very good business. Firm beliefs in charms, supernatural powers, ghosts, goblins, witches, evil spirits have their deep roots in superstitions. It is a vile as it makes us deprived of self-confidence, self-control, rationality, farsighted power etc. by weakening our willpower and spirit. It is a bar to take an unswerving determination or decision to do anything either at present or in future.

It results from ignorance and irrational fear. There are lucky and unlucky numbers, days, things, animals, birds etc. Most people do not intend to start any work on Saturday. They think this day to be an unlucky day. He believed in supernatural and worshipped various gods and goddesses. Every ordinary fact which he could not understand was considered a miracle. Later the people who were more intelligent became his teacher, also befooled him into believing their clever performances to be miracles. The objects of nature, changes of seasons and everything he could not understand became a miracle and thus a superstition. Every country has its own superstitions, but it can be agreed without contraction, that the east is more contemplative and thus more superstitious than west.

There are some superstitions which are universally recognized. For instance, a shooting star is considered a very bad omen universally. Shakespeare writes in his play Julius Caesar:. When beggars die there are no comets seen in the skies. Heavens themselves set forth the death of princes. Both in England and India the howling of a dog at night is supposed to show the presence of an evil spirit nearby. Some more popular superstitions prevalent in India. If a person is to start a journey and another person happens to sneeze only once, it is considered ill for the person who is to begin his journey, although two or three sneezes are considered harmless. Among the Hindus it is considered an ill omen to begin a new task on Saturday. Again, studies can be started on Saturday it is considered lucky.

If a cat crosses your path, it is not a good omen. The screech of an owl is considered ill omen and harbinger of some calamity. The itching of right palm is indicative of the arrival of money. If a crow sits on the head of a person, his death is supposed to be imminent.

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